Are your greening hopes and dreams coming true? If not – we can help.
Let me know what you think can be improved at UHN, in your department or at your work station!!! It is never too late to start a greening project – here are some inspiring stories to get you going:
Over 20 departmental green teams with 50 members are working on specific initiatives in their areas and making a HUGE difference.
Teams meet every 3-6 months with Energy and Environment (aka Ed and Kady) as needed so that no paper gets wasted, no compost goes uncollected and no lights get left on.
The Radiation Therapy team is recycling mountains of drape sheets every day that were being thrown in the trash – thank you!
The Drug Development program has implemented Paper Towel composting program – merci!
E- Heath has switched to 100% recycled content paper and has been tracking the environmental impact of the telehealth program – gracias!
estimated savings from telehealth program over six month period
757, 234 km not traveled by patients
108,958,155 grams GHG not emitted
99,955 grams air pollutants not emitted
I will save all the dozens of projects currently underway for another day.
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